Snippets from the Archives
There was a dispute between the architect and the church over his fee. This was settled and the church solicitor waived his fee of £2 9s 11d – ” put towards church funds.”
Letter from Bishop to Vicar of Feckenham, “If you cannot afford two curates then do with one between Astwood Bank/Crabbs Cross.”
Mr. J. R. Cramer rents the land around the church room for grazing by his pony.
The Managers of the Council school have been written to, so that instructions be given to the Master on the matter of waste and dirty paper etc. being thrown over the wall into the churchyard causing it to look like a “deserted fairground”.
Three lads broke church windows and schoolroom windows costing £1 7s 6d to repair. One lad had paid his share, but the parents of the other two had to be requested to pay their sons’ shares.
Annual vestry meeting delayed due to illness of the treasurer and the warden. Eventually held on 31st May – poor attendance “Gardens and allotments had a prior claim I suppose.” R. W.V.
The pulpit building was delayed because all of the carvers were working in RAF factories.
Protests at football being played in the churchyard. The tennis club requested to leave the hall clean and tidy after play. ( The tennis court was at the back of the hall which is now the vicarage garden)
There were 400 in church listening to King George V’s funeral service on wireless.
Resurface church path – loose stones, untidy, uncomfortable to walk on – somebody had complained that it hurt their corns!
Difficult to hold social gatherings to raise money because of lighting restrictions.
Hall let daily between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. except Sundays to Redditch Council as a British restaurant. The agreement to end 3 months after end of Emergency Powers Act 1939.
The nave roof had always been a source of trouble and concern and indeed annoyance to some worshippers who felt descending drops of rain on the backs of their necks whilst praying!